Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Why can't Black people get their shit together. I mean they've had almost 150 years

Also entitled one of the stupidest questions ever asked. Actually, let me rephrase. The question is more ignorant than stupid, especially if you don't have the benefit of good info. I myself used to hear this and think that there had to be a reason that African Americans hadn't made the strides the whites had in this country. I knew it wasn't reasons like they were lazy, or welfare moochers or any of the stereotypical reasons, but I still didn't have a good come back for those who insisted that they had had enough time.

Well many classes and books later and I have found a lot of valid reasons. A couple of which I would like to discuss here. My info comes from various sources, and I am of course, as always, writing as a white man. I cannot and will not speak to the black experience in this country. There are several excellent African American authors that do it better than I could ever pretend to. I encourage you to look them up on your own. I know that Toni Morrison is a name that comes up often in disccussions of race writings. But I digress onto the examples.

1. "Black people in this country haven't really had almost 150 years"- In fact they have never really had a period of time that they were ever given anything like an equitable system in which to compete. The main problem with the ignorance that I and my fellow White brothers and sisters have in this misunderstanding is that we were never properly educated. The history books that we, and others, learned from were done in a linear fashion. That is looking at history as always improving. Slaves were freed, things kept getting better after that for everyone. Well, all of that is complete nonsense.

Recently, thanks to James Loewen's book, Sundown Towns, I have read about a period of history regarded as the "Nadir Period of Racism." this was mainly from 1890-1930, but the affects are still felt today. See, after the Civil War things did get a bit better for the African Americans in this country. There was a real sense of national pride behind being anti-racist and many towns were integrated and proud of it. In fact there were black postal carriers, factory workers, and even black people in politics. Hell, up until 1933 we had black professional football players and even a black coach. Not to say that the African Americans were the White's equal, because they weren't given the opportunities to move into real positions of authority on the whole. However, things were heading in the right direction. By 1890 the Civil War had been over for some time and most of the people in the United States hadn't been alive during the war while even fewer had actually participated. That, along with the Democratic parties almost constant attacks on the Republican party to shut the hell up about integration, which finally did get the Republicans to shut up, ended us up in the Nadir period.

During the Nadir, African Americans were chased from towns and cities all over America. Forced out of jobs that they previously held as well as communities that had until recently welcomed them. "All White" communities became the rule rather than the exception. Whole counties were "Sundown." The South oddly enough was the exception, of course they wanted to make sure that their supply of cheap, exploitable labor didn't stray off, and so most Southern towns and counties weren't sundown at all.

OK, so there went almost 30 years of trying take at least small steps in the right direction. Add that to the 40 years of the Nadir and you have 150-70=80. So maybe they have had 80 years to get their shit together. Except that isn't true either. Without going into a detailed history of what happened to further screw all of the non whites in this country lets just assume that things didn't make much progress until 1964. 5 years before I was born, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and the Civil Rights bill became a law. So lets see 1930 to 1964 is 34 more years, so 80-34=46.

I doubt that any truly educated person believes that even since 1964 that the black people in this country have been given a fair shake and an equitable system in which to operate. Let's assume though that you do find someone who says that racism isn't all that bad and uses the 150 years argument. Well let them have the 46 years, and then ask them how long the white person in this country has had to get their shit together. Well, let's see, White folk have been kicking around in the USA on a regular basis since, lets say Jamestown in 1607. Quick math and 2007-1607=400. So white people have had 400 years to get their proverbial shit together. As compared with the pitiful, inequitable 46 years that the African American has had. Not really such a great reasoning point after all, is it?

2. "The Bootstrap Myth"- Also referred to by some sociologist as the "Horatio Alger Jr Myth." Horatio Alger was this author who wrote several books whose main theme was people rising through the ranks to become these powerful people. There are many things very wrong with this myth, but the biggest one is that if you don't have bootstraps to begin with, you can't very well pull yourself up by them.

Now again, I can cite volumes of examples as to how African Americans and other non white people in this country have gotten the short end of the stick. These would include unequal access to resources that allow a person to be successful (e.g. decent education, safe living environment, health care, etc). That is really just a start, and I encourage you to do your own research in this area. There is tons of info everywhere on the unequal distribution of resources in this country. Read one or two of the articles or books, and this theory falls apart.

So my answer to the question itself of "Why can't Black people get their shit together? After all hasn't it been almost 150 years?," is this...They never were given any real opportunity to do so. That's why African Americans like Oprah, Barrack Obama, etc.. stand out in our minds so vividly. Because they beat the ridiculous odds, they are the exception that proves the rule. Black people that I know, in my estimation as a white male, would do every bit as well for themselves if not better than their white counterparts if they were ever given any real and equitable opportunity to do so.

Think that last part is crap? Name two major inventions that changed the course of human development aside from electricity and steam power that a white person is responsible for. Even those two were built on from previously existent concepts. All of it adds up to this, no one has an equal chance to rise up and be something if the moment they are born they have a boot in their back. Later.


Anonymous said...

Typical liberal drivel from a person who obviously feels guilty for being white.

Unknown said...

its very comical that you can take the jungle out of the monkey ......... its a shame that the monkey is in the ......... Oh thats racist... Are the white people in your area breaking into the cars in your street

Unknown said...

white people dont feel guilty. they dont think bout it atr all. reallllly... who cares ... its about equil rights. JOKE ....

Anonymous said...

My whole thing is that they (blacks) have don't have to figure it out from scratch like whites did. It's pretty clear that you can either become a respectable black person or just another fucking nigger. Now in this day and age it is possible to pull yourself up by the proverbial boot straps. But you don't see many blacks doing so. It's not even like they are trying and failing. So many are content Driving a Chrysler 300 with 22's and wearing a do-rag. That is what I don't get.

Anonymous said...

Wow... this is some powerful stupid. Powerful.

I bet in another 150 years the same excuses will still be in use and black people will also still be just as messed up AND it will still and for all eternity, be the White man's fault. Ugh.

White Nationalism is on the rise... just remember that the next time you (a black or non-white in the West) try to "get away" with the "race card".

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Obviously there's no simple answer to the plight of blacks in America. One major issue is the black sub-culture that has emerged. There are certainly many successful blacks but they seem to be the minority. If blacks do well in school or talk properly, there are seen as sell outs and ridiculed by others. It's just not a culture that encourages education and a solid family life.

Anonymous said...

why is it i dont see race when i listen to morgan fairchild do a documentry for national geographic, then jesse jackson comes on and my racism starts all over again.....

Anonymous said...

No amount of time is going to allow black people to move up. Its a white man's world. Were responsible for them even existing in America. So they either accept their lowly, struggling class station here, or they can move back to Africa

Anonymous said...

coz they is nigger

wild statement said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The white man has created all that is!
The world in which we live.
If you look up and see something man made is is
White man made.
As to the authors question.....besides electricity (a big one)
The automobile
the airplane
the Saturn 5 rocket
Gas, oil, phone.....the computer used against us by the ape-man.
Africans can and never will be able because of one thing-
Smaller BRAIN
Oh....two things.......
the word GIVE, GIVEN, HANDED OUT.......sorry
we WIN!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Move back to Africa? Why don't you tell them to get killed by Boko Haram while you're at it? I think it all really comes down to money, and whoever dominates. I mean the blacks have been under the white's control up until the 60s, and it's what was done's effects that are still going on. Put in ghettos, crime is inevitable to happen in poor areas. People are unhappy and want their drugs, the dealers want their money. This becomes a culture and America's economy isn't exactly in the best shape in the much less racist 2000s to fix all of this. Responsible for them living in the better part of the world, responsible also for them having to take up the populations of places in America resembling the not-so-well part of the world. Think Brazil. Such great responsibility easily comes back to the white man, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...
