Friday, November 7, 2008

So, you want a make a racist society?

I know a lot of the media and powers that be insist that racism is a thing of the past. In fact Lou Dobbs, the CNN reporter got infuriated at Condeleeza Rice and her response to Barrack Obama's speech on racial issues in America when she said that racism was an issue that needed to be discussed more. Poor Lou got so ramped up that he slipped up and called Condeleeza "cotton picking." I'm sure Lou didn't mean anything by it.
If racism isn't a real issue in America anymore, I thought about what a racist society would look like. What kinds of things would be required in order for the White people in our country to get back all of the power that they seem to believe they have lost as a result of affirmative action, and people espousing equal rights for all. So without further adieu here is my own plan for a racist society.
You need to be sneaky about how you do it. Out and out slavery won't work, and most White folks now days don't have the stomachs for lynchings, so you have to be clever. In any of the below examples you need to make sure that you have one or two examples that stand out as the exception to the rule. That way you can point them out and tell all the nay-sayers that they are over reacting. In no certain order here are some great starting points.
Education- First off you have to make education as inequitable as possible. After all if you want people held down, education or lack there of is a powerful first step. You need to ensure that the vast majority of the population you are trying to oppress can't attain the same academic standards that you have access to. A 75% drop out rate would be optimal, that way you can still have a token group that you can point to as successful. The 25% who do graduate will need to be tracked into middle management jobs, so as to further the White male power structure, but more on that later.
Seventy five percent sounds like an almost unobtainable goal. I mean that is, in reality, educational genocide, no one is gonna put up with that. Again, this is why you have to be sneaky. You really have to be careful about how you present education. In order to get the young people of color to go along with this you need to package education as a waste of time, or better yet as a "White thing." Not being seen as cool if you are White will be OK as long as we keep in mind that the end justifies the means. After all people of color are gonna see this whole thing coming a mile away, but if we keep them down and don't allow then equal access to a forum in which to air their grievances we should be alright.
So, if we can use the mainstream media as a tool to show that education is a White thing, and conversely the only way to be educated is to "act white" then we already have half our work done for us. Reading definitely has to be a White thing. Most of our literature has to be written by White authors aimed at a White audience, so even if we do get a few people of color that decide to better themselves through reading, it won't matter much because most of the info won't be targeted toward them anyway. That should add an extra obstacle in their way. That won't be enough though, their are still going to be some young people of color who insist on trying to play on a level field. That's when we hit em with peer pressure. Using the same media that portrayed education as a White thing now needs to be used to relay the message that it is "cool" to be uneducated if you are a person of color.
We can pay young musicians of color vast sums of money to help spread the image of a person of color as a thug, rebellious, and anti establishment. Have those same artist dress and act out the lifestyle that is defiantly anti white. After all, the real money is going to be made by the White executives who own the record companies so it's OK if a few of those same musicians get at least a little wealthy in the process. We need to make sure that they glamorize violence, misogyny, and a host of other things that aren't stereotypically "White." With all of that in place; the images, the ideologies, and a constant barrage by mainstream media that everything is OK we should be able to hit that magic mark.
Freedom- It's gonna be awfully hard for a group of people to rise above their current situation if we keep a good number of them under lock and key. Now this isn't slavery, this is protecting the public interest, and since we are building a racist society, we want that interest to be the "White" interest. So how do we do this? As stated above, people of color aren't stupid, we are making a big mistake if we believe that. Oh sure, outwardly we can treat them like their not as bright as we are, but behind the scenes we need to know that we are dealing with a crafty group of people who have survived the worst we could throw at them, and still manage to thrive, if not flourish in some cases. Step one is to keep our own interest in mind. Sentencing has to be in favor of White people, even when the crime is the same, we need to make sure that we keep the vast element of our White brothers and sisters out of the prison industrial complex. Oh sure, we need to put a few of the bad apples that are an embarrassment to us in there, but for the most part it really needs to be people of color if this is going to work. One way is to put sentencing laws in place that lean in the favor of White folks. If a certain drug is seen as a drug used more frequently by communities of color then we damn sure need to make sure that we throw the book at them for use of that particular drug. Even if our own brothers and sisters use it at a much higher rate then the people of color that we associate it with we need to put more people of color in jail for it. Convincing the country to disbelieve the statistics (even if they take the time to look for them) can be taken care of by the mainstream media by portraying all of the users of this drug as being people of color. It also can't be only drugs, we need to have wide sweeping profiling of people of color for any number of crimes, except White collar ones, after all we aren't going to let enough people of color rise through the ranks of business to need to worry about their committing White collar crimes in the first place.
Now that we have them in prison we need to keep them there. As long as we have group of people with the White publics best interest in mind we should be able to keep them locked up for the maximum time. We need to push for mandatory minimum sentences for any crimes that we stereotypically attribute to people of color committing more of. That will stop all of those bleeding heart liberal judges from giving them opportunities for change.We also need to make sure that we don't buy into the nonsense about rehabilitation. If we start rehabilitating people then we are gonna have a whole group of people with the skills necessary to get ahead and even the playing field. We can't have that, and we also need to make sure that prison is about punishment and not rehabilitation.
Power access- Now, if we are gonna stay in control we need to maintain control of all the power and access to resources. If we manage to keep most of those people locked up, and deny them a decent education we will be well on our way. The ones we need to worry about are the ones mentioned above who are determined to rise above everything that we have thrown at them. There are gonna be a handful of them who will so here is what we can do. Success can be allowed but we need to be careful where we allow it. We need to follow the time honored belief that black people make better athletes, and entertainers. Let them rise to positions of greatness in those fields, after all we need entertainment don't we? Sure some of them will make a lot of money, but they won't have any real power to make changes. If in school those same people want to try their hand at math, science, literature, and god forbid have an aptitude for it, we need to placate them for a bit and then send them off to the athletics coach. Their success can be trumpeted by all of us in the White community by pointing out that their are a lot of successful people of color. Just look at so and so, who plays for any given professional sports team, or was just in that new action movie. Which brings me to the movies that they may be in. We can't let too many of them get the good guy roles, we need to help fortify the notion of people of color as dangerous. They can have roles of good guys if that good guy carries a gun and kills people. If we let them get in roles of a sensitive, educated, caring individuals then we are doing a grave disservice to our cause.
Maintenance- All of this is going to take a lot of effort on our part. A group of people are not going to sit passively by and just accept servitude and oppression. We need to be constantly on guard and be ready for any situation that may arise. To do this is we need to continue to point out the few people from those communities that rose through the ranks to truly gain access to power. Any grumbling needs to be immediately met with shoving the exception to the rule right in their face. Oprah will be great for this. We can use Oprah as our shining example that people of color, and women are completely off base. After all, Oprah is not only black, but a woman to boot, so why are they complaining. Secondly, if a person of color should ever get elected to a position of real power like say President of the United States, he or she (yeah right) will be our prime example of how ridiculous all of the charges of our society being racist is. We as White people however need to make sure that we keep an eye on that person, and at the first sign of weakness, or slip up, that we pounce. Make sure we remind everyone that this is what happens when you put your faith in one of those people.
Now as to maintaining our own people. There are gonna be some our White brothers and sisters that are going to be sympathetic to the oppression of the communities of color. Those people are dangerous, and we need to remind all White people that they are crazy, liberal, or at even better a race traitor. And while we can't stop all of them, we need to keep the majority in line with our way of thinking or things are gonna get out of hand in a hurry. We also need to make sure we keep in place all of the negative stereotypes. If one person from the communities in question, commits a crime, or does anything that is even remotely out of line that we use that individual as the representation for the whole race.One bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch. right? If one of them should get angry (and they will, after all we are trying to keep them down) we need to use that anger to keep all of our White brothers and sisters scared. We can be sure that if enough White folks are scared that the odds are better in our favor of keeping them from forming any real relationship with those people. We can use the media once again in our favor by filling it with stories of black crimes, or crimes of any other person of color for that matter, and highlight the dangers that those people represent to us White law abiding citizens. We need to keep up the fight against immigration. If too many of those Mexicans get across the border we are gonna have them messing up the status quo. They will become citizens, and then they will start to vote. Eventually, they will figure out that they need to form a coalition with other communities of color in order to gain access to more power and then we are gonna be royally screwed.
In conclusion, we have had it too good for too long to let it go now. I am not talking about us really losing anything major, but the days of us holding all the cards are gonna be over. We will have to start competing on a level playing field. Our forefathers worked too hard to ensure that the playing field was skewed in our favor to let that go now. A level field of play will mean we will have to work harder and compete harder for resources. Competing with our own is one thing, but those other people, come on. Do they seriously expect us to give up on all the privilege that we have. Can you imagine the chaos that will ensue in our communities if the attention begins to swing toward our crimes, drug use, and over all treatment of others. It will be Armageddon.We will be required to be judged on the content of our character and not the color of our skin. We are going to have work harder on our children's education, because being White won't be enough to ensure that you will get preferential treatment. It won't do you any good to be a alumni somewhere, your kids are gonna have to work as hard as everyone else. Through our years of oppression we have created a group of people that our far more apt at survival then we are. They have taken everything that we have thrown at them and are still standing. If they ever get a truly equitable playing field the parties over. We must remain constantly vigilant in order to ensure our own survival.

Authors Note
This article was both painful and easy at the same time to write. Painful, because I see in it all of the ugliness that still exists, despite now President Elect Barrack Obama making history. Easy, because all I had to do was look at some of the irrelevant fears that some of my white brothers and sisters have. It was also easy, because all I had to do was look to modern day examples. For those of you that are offended by this article I say, good! You should be offended, because you ought to recognize in this article things you see every day. For those of you that think that my ideas are a ridiculous exaggeration I offer you these examples from my home state of Oregon. In the state of Oregon the dropout rate for African American is 75%. Oregon being the bastion of liberalism that it is leads the way in equal sentencing and arrest for drug offenses. That being said, as a black male you are still 4.1 times more likely to be arrested and sentenced for the exact same crime here as your white counterpart. Of course, as a black male I would avoid Minnesota where you are 46.1 times more likely to be arrested. Congratulations Minnesota, your number one.
The difficult part was capitalizing "white" and making sure that "black" or any other ethnic group was never capitalized. It was also distasteful to use the phrase "them," or "those people" so often. However, listen to conversations and see how often those same phrases are used to describe anyone who is not part of what is seen as the power majority in this country.
You can take the whole thing tongue in cheek if you wish, but I assure you that's not the point. You can continue to belive that anyone that buys into this is full blown liberal nut, or you can do something about it. You can get off your butt and make an effort to assure the points made in this article don't continue or never come to fruition where you are.
In the end, the fact of the matter is that it's all very simple. You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution. There is no middle ground. You either get it, or you don't. You either continue to live your life in miserable denial, and continue to buy into all the worn out axioms of those who don't want equitability, or you don't. There is no grey area. Make no mistake, this is a war, and you are either on the side of good and just, or you aren't.There is no room for compromise when it comes to obtaining equitable conditions for everyone in our country. It's well past time for all of us to open our eyes and see the light. It is my hope that a lot of my white brothers and sisters who voted for Barrack and his message of hope and change either get it, or are starting to. We'll see. The fight is a long way from over, and I, like a lot of other Americans, are in it for the long haul. Maybe President Obama's election is a start to the new civil rights movement. I wasn't born during the first part of the movement, but I am seeing positive things, and hold out hope for more. Later.


Rick said...

There will be NO equality util all media stops engendering the thinnking of us-versus-them. I was glad to see you mention the record companies. However, all they did was capitalize on someone elses talent. Being the greedy bastards that they are doesn't make them racists, just greedy bastards.

Dr. King's dream didn't include a long list of first-african-american-whatever. Indeed, if we were to actually try to model society after his dream, there would no mention of race at all. So one is forced to ask who actually perpetualizes racism in this country. The average cracker working to support his family, or Al Sharpton who can't seem to get enough air time telling us how oppressed he is?

race traitor said...

Hey. Your absolutely right about the race thing. Race is a made up term to try and seperate people by biological diferences. It's why Hitler reffered to the jews as a race of people instead of people that follow a set of religous traditions. It's like being part of the "White race," just what the hell is that supposed to be. I prefer if I am having the conversation to use the idea of ethnicity or cultural background.

I refer to my self as white because I was raised in a culture that identified themselve as such. It has nothing to do wit hmy "race."